diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

How to keep safe Online?

Des de l'inici d'aquest curs 2015-2016 que, de forma extraescolar, estic cursant el nivell B2.1 d'anglès i, l'altre dia, se'ns va proposar escriure un article curt on parléssim i donéssim consells sobre: Com mantenir-nos segurs si anem caminant per la muntanya (How to keep safe if you go walking in the mountains), Com mantenir-nos segurs en un dia a la platja (How to keep safe on a day at the beach) o, sobre Com mantenir-nos segurs a Internet (How to keep safe Online). Donat que des de l'assignatura d'Alfabetització Digital hem creat aquest bloc relacionat amb Internet i les noves tecnologies, vaig considerar que seria perfecte i que us podria interessar que realitzés la redacció sobre l'última temàtica (How to keep safe Online).

A continuació us he adjuntat el petit article que vaig crear, espero que us sigui de gran utilitat.

How to keep safe Online?

Nowadays, information and communication technologies are everywhere including school. If you are a teacher or a parent, you have to teach your students or siblings how they can be safe using them.

Fist of all, it is very important to maintain your privacy and, for this reason, the creation of good passwords that include numbers, letters, capital letters and symbols is important. Make sure that you do not put your name or surnames, the day of your birthday or other words that can be easy discovered because they are directed related to you.

Secondly, you never have to put persona information (like your mobile phone number or your credit account) on the websites. Moreover, do not forget to cover the front camera of your computer because the hackers can turn it on easily and film you.

Finally, we have to reach them that they never have to meet a person they have found on Internet because the things that he/she has told them could not be real.

To sum up, if you promote these few tips to your students and siblings, I am sure they will be safe online.

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